Tuesday, May 21, 2013

The aftermath.

Bluntly, I was not a fan of being told what tto do by someone who refered to herself as 'task Master' and 'Overlord.' 

Not that I have a problem with the person doing the telling, it is more of a problem with delivery. I was not offended, or hurt, or any of these other PC types of things, I was more mortified that a class on leadership was being proctored by this type of leader. 

Before this gets too messy, and too many feelings are hurt, let me say this: I am confident that she was not using these titles as an actual play for authority, but more for the irony or humor that came from using these titles in such a setting. At first I was taken aback by the audacity she showed by inserting these titles into our routine, but as I came to know her I realized there was no malice or sense of entitlement drawn from these titles. They were simply her attempt at lightening the mood. 

So I buckled down and went with it, afterall it didn't make a whole lot of a difference to me what she called herself, as long as I was getting the knowledge and benefit from her experience she could have called herself Rascolnikov for all I cared. 

In the end I woner if it was a test. Whether she did it to see if someone would comment on it, possibly call her out on it. If that was her agenda I applaud her. It is a nifty thing to inject this type of social roughness into a place like RPI. People run around in their little bubbles, afraid to infringe on someone else's comfort zone. People have lost the ability to communicate in a traditional social setting. We rely so heavily on social media as our medium of communication that we are uncomfortable discussing our social environment face to face. 

So, no matter her motive for these titles, there was no harm done by the great and powerful Task Master. It may have been unnerving and slightly disquieting at the beginning, but after I got to know the person and understand her motives it all made sense and fit into the overall flow of the course.

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