Sunday, February 17, 2013

Equality 7-2521

For security reasons the government cannot tell us everything. We are expected to trust them in some manners, mainly those pertaining to national security. What then should be our response to the news that we (assuming certain wickets are met) may be targeted by drones?

While it is terrifying to think that imminent death from above could be around the next corner, it is also comforting that those appointed to govern this great country take their oath of office seriously. Our enemies have often come from within, and this step to ensure we are protected from those who wish us harm is a step away from the Rough Men we generally associate with our protection.

While the comfort and disquietude we are offered through these reports often cancel each other out, it is a fair assessment to say that the ever inquisitive and seldom trusting American people desire justification for these actions. The main outlet for the average American is, these days, Internet news or a local news network. Unfortunately these outlets rarely have a central path to their stories. Each article is biased by the writers as well as the overall corporation. There seems to be no single source of news that offers an objective view of facts. General experience dictates reading reports from both sides of the issue and determining an individualistic path. Unfortunately there are people who do not see the value in a differing opinion.

The freedom with which we receive information these days is baffling. It was only a few decades ago that information about an on going military campaign would be held close to the chest. Now it seems that the free dissemination of information requires us to share our guarded secrets with our entire populace. A populace that can, has, and will generate enemies of the state.

A simple remedy can fix this problem, one that has helped many nations quiet their dissident populace. The wonderful practice of censorship brings the freedom of information to a grinding halt. There is no longer the worry of vital secrets or individualistic ideas being spread through the masses. The masses are now told only what the party deems appropriate, peace can be assured.

That is until people become tired of being spoon fed life. People will find their freedom, and they will fiercely protect it.

This is the reason the freedom of information we see in our media is both a blessing and a curse. We can watch as the pure information is twisted by those who are pushing an agenda or we can fight tooth and nail for the freedom the pure information allows. It is not our government that we should fear, but the biased media forcing half truths into our minds.

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