Thursday, February 7, 2013

Super sassy self assesment

I have a way about me, I like to talk. Unfortunately this doesn't allow much space for other people to squeeze their two cents in. I do try and give a little ground when participating in a group presentation, especially one so loosely scripted. The problem usually arises when I am placed in a group with people less confident in their communication abilities.

All that being said, I believe that there is something to be said for taking charge of the situation. Not that I think the other members of my group incapable, they just seemed less comfortable in their public speaking roles. While I know it is beneficial to everyone involved to encourage growth, I also know it is beneficial to produce a product. The trick is threading that fine line.

I have noticed that there are a few other students who continually (all two times) step up and take a larger speaking role. What their motives are... I can't pretend to say.

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