Tuesday, March 26, 2013

An idea and ingenuity

As an add on to my previous discussion on Public Relations (Got Milk?), I would like to continue with a discussion of PR from an actual company rather than a movement.

The company Nasty Gal (not what it sounds like) has been growing from humble beginnings since its inception in 2006. Today it is worth millions of dollars, most of which can be attributed to the close relationship and down-to-earth attitude of the owner Sophia Amorusa.

With a fledgling company it is difficult to spend the big bucks on marketing to reach a target audience. As with my milk toting friend, Ms. Amorusa went with the free marketing of Myspace and now Facebook, Twitter, Instagram. Here she works closely with her customers to ensure their needs are being met, presumable operating under the notion that a happy customer is a repeat customer.

Working so closely with her customers is apparently paying off, her business is growing, money is flowing, inventory is cycling through, and word is spreading. The ability to please her customers is an artifact of the scale of her business. The larger her company becomes the harder it will be to please all of her customers, so there will come a time that she will only please a majority.

For now her marketing strategy seems to be inclusive enough to reach her target audience, the novelty of expanding the customer base through word of mouth is genius. It creates the feeling of exclusivity, like the customer knows something others don't.

In the end, I hope this company succeeds, for no other reason than it exemplifies the American Dream.

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