Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Bring me that Horizon

Each one of us is inspired by many different things. We can be inspired by the actions of an individual, by a speech, by an emotion, for a cause, or for an idea. Each instance of inspiration can be specific to the person, or to a whole group, it all depends on the alignment of the group or the individual.

In some cases the individual is inspired to inspire others, and thus a leader is born.

Margaret Mead said "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has." She is absolutely correct, nothing changes unless we, and people of like minds, can get together and decide to enact the change. While an individual may make the difference it is harder to ignore a group, and unfortunately we will be ignored until we reach that critical mass that allows us to increase our influence beyond our immediate company.

There is a movement within our country to reduce the number of Veterans who are unemployed. A noble and worthy cause to say the least, but it seems that we are going about it in a slapdash haphazard way. We entice our young into Military service with promises of free college, guaranteed employment, pride in a job well done, and the promise of the American Dream. True, some join out of a sense of duty to their country, but others still see the military as a path to a future they cannot attain on their own.

We love the idea of Veterans. The crusty old guy from Dubya Dubya Two with stories of hardship and sacrifice brings about a sense of nostalgia and pride in our country that is hard to match these days. Admittedly the Veteran has drawn a better lot now than in the times of my Grandfather, but there is still much ground to be covered. We pigeon hole Veterans into a general image of a camouflage wearing, assault rifle toting, sand encrusted soldier hardened from sights they cannot unsee. This is simply not a true depiction of our fighting men and women. There is no specific category that all Veterans fit into. Even within one branch of service Veterans are as different as night and day.

The point of all this is that there is something to be done, and someone needs to stand up and speak for these men and women, someone who knows what it is like to be separated from their family for a long period of time, someone who knows how to do without. Not an elected official who is only concerned with the bottom line, not an elected official who has never served our country with full confidence that they would give their life to see her remain free. We need someone, or a group of someones, to be that small group of thoughtful, committed citizens who elicit a change in our way of thinking. The desire to help our Vets is there, we see it as bumper stickers, military discounts, military appreciation days; we need to harness this desire and transform it into progress.

There are two fundamental things that this country needs to reevaluate it's approach on; education and it's support for those who sacrificed for us. Not that those are the only things we are lacking, but they are the two that are recurrent throughout recent memory.

The winds of change are billowing at our backs, it is up to us to shift our sails and ride where they may take us.

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