Thursday, March 21, 2013

Got Milk?

I have a friend who is obsessive (not in a bad way) with breast feeding. It is not only a matter of her breast feeding her kids, oh no. She feels the need to post pictures and articles and (at one point) pictures of a baby staring at a nipple to her facebook profile. While it is slightly unsettling to have a surprise boob pop up on a mostly PG site like facebook, it is also a wonderful medium to get her point across.

There has been a large movement recently to remove the taboo of whipping out a boob in public to feed a child. If you think about it for more than a few seconds it is pretty easy to see that it is not a big deal. Am I forced to eat only at home? Am I forced to cover my head with a fancy shawl when I am chowing down on some delicious waffles (although sometimes things can get pretty messy)? No, of course not, that's a dumb rule that would be impossible to enforce. So why should we make mothers cover their baby munching on some life nectar? Plus, have you ever tried to breath for any length of time with your face under the blanket? I can only imagine how uncomfortable inhaling a porterhouse would be if I were forced to be nestled under my covers.

Side bar,  boob feeding is free, no potential side effects from formulas... only unadulterated nourishment.

It is not surprising that a country fueled by Chicken McNuggets and Quarter Pounders houses people against feeding our children the healthiest food possible. Still, the mothers fight on. The public relations campaign waged by mothers everywhere has sought to empower the breast feeding mother. Nurse-ins have been staged to admonish businesses for kicking nursing mothers out. Nursing mothers have made the local news more than a few times. But still the war wages on.

In the end, my friend has waged a successful PR campaign on behalf of breastfeeding, and nursing in public more specifically. She has taken the taboo out of this act and shown me that it is no different from me snacking on a big juicy, slightly tart, Granny Smith apple while strolling through the mall.

Her other crusade, cloth diapers, is not going as well though. I still don't know how you can justify reusing something that was once covered in toxic goo.

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